The SQUAD Concept
SQUAD is an intergenerational approach to wrapping community around LGBTIQ children and adults doing it tough. We recognise that LGBTIQphobia leads to inequalities (read more here and here) and an increased need for support.
The SQUAD, or Story Telling Queers Against Discrimination, is a process for bringing together LGBTIQ people and allies to support LGBTIQ community members experiencing difficulty. The process involves: identifying the issues and writing about them in story form, gathering allies, writing happier endings and then making happier endings come true.
The SQUAD emerged from The ROAR!!! an intergenerational Pride Fairy tale about Dinosaurs. The ROAR was written by a 69 year old Trans woman and a 12 year old Trans boy. The story was given a fairy tale happy ending and then we realised this didn't reflect the reality of the 12 year old, who was being bullied at school. In response, we engaged his Allies to form a Dinosaur SQUAD and rewrite the story with a happy ending - and then make it come true in real life. The Dinosaur SQUAD includes a politician, a school principal, a school wellbeing coordinator, family friends, community leaders and a police officer.
The Dinosaur SQUAD has grown from 15 to 59 in the five months since the story was launched. The outcomes have been so powerful - and the interest so great - that we are seeking support to roll out more SQUADs and develop resources that enable SQUADs to be set up anywhere there is a need.
The SQUAD, or Story Telling Queers Against Discrimination, is a process for bringing together LGBTIQ people and allies to support LGBTIQ community members experiencing difficulty. The process involves: identifying the issues and writing about them in story form, gathering allies, writing happier endings and then making happier endings come true.
The SQUAD emerged from The ROAR!!! an intergenerational Pride Fairy tale about Dinosaurs. The ROAR was written by a 69 year old Trans woman and a 12 year old Trans boy. The story was given a fairy tale happy ending and then we realised this didn't reflect the reality of the 12 year old, who was being bullied at school. In response, we engaged his Allies to form a Dinosaur SQUAD and rewrite the story with a happy ending - and then make it come true in real life. The Dinosaur SQUAD includes a politician, a school principal, a school wellbeing coordinator, family friends, community leaders and a police officer.
The Dinosaur SQUAD has grown from 15 to 59 in the five months since the story was launched. The outcomes have been so powerful - and the interest so great - that we are seeking support to roll out more SQUADs and develop resources that enable SQUADs to be set up anywhere there is a need.
SQUAD roll out - regional Victoria
We are currently in discussion with a number of services about rolling out SQUADS in regional Victoria, in an area where there have been a number of LGBTIQ youth suicides. The roll out will initially focus on young TGD people and a coaching program for SQUAD leaders. We will then expand the program to include LGBTIQ communities more broadly. If you are willing to support the roll out, please contact us for a project proposal - details below.
SQUAD stories
Each SQUAD is invited to share their stories - to inspire hope for others. The stories also provide an opportunity for SQUADs to learn from each other. Click on the link below to read about the Dinosaur SQUAD and other stories will be shared as they are developed.
The SQUAD is an initiative of Alice's Garage in partnership with the Kindness Pandemic. The first pilot SQUAD was supported by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria and our current partners include: ... coming soon.
Contact us
If you would like more information please contact Dr Catherine Barrett on 0429 582 237 or email: [email protected]