Kindness for Care Workers
Our Health and Community Care Workers are under enormous strain responding to the COVID 19 pandemic. We would be lost without them. They need our support. Our campaigns to support them include the #CareForCareWorkers campaign and the #HealthCareHeroAwards - read more about participating below.
Care 4 Care Workers
In 2022 we launched the #Care4CareWorkers campaign to address the increasing strain on Care Workers. The campaign invites you to support Care Workers in your family and friendship networks by:
Health Care Hero Awards
The Health Care Hero Awards was launched in March 2021. It has been designed for community members to give to health care workers in their family and friendship circles (please do not send them to health services directly).
- Choose an award and download it
- Post it to a friend or family member though Facebook, Twitter, Link'd In and Instagram
- Post it to Kindness Pandemic and tell us who you are giving the award to and why
- Use the Hashtag #HealthCareHeroes so we can find you
- Do NOT send this to a health service directly (it makes services busier).
Thank you to graphic designer @Mo, Manuel Ortiz, for these beautiful social media images.
More information
If you would like more information about this Campaign please contact Dr Catherine Barrett through the contact page.
Media release
Media release here