Pride Fairy Tales
Intergenerational Pride Fairy Tales emerged from our concerns for older Queer people, who were socially isolated due to COVID19. We responded by connecting older and younger Queers to explore a shared understanding of what Pride means to them. We decided that writing a Pride Fairy Tale together could be a fun way of sharing a story that builds pride and consolidates strength or mental wellbeing in Queer communities.
The Pride Fairy tales are three beautiful stories about valuing our Queerness in a world that isn't always Queer friendly. They pitch pride as our strength, a buffer against Queerphobic microaggressions and more latent discrimination. Sharing of these stories is a way of sharing Pride and building strength. Read more about our SQUAD, or Story Telling QUeers Against Discrimination on the Dinosaur Squad page here.
A very big thankyou to the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria for supporting this important initiative and the #QueerStrong project.
The Pride Fairy tales are three beautiful stories about valuing our Queerness in a world that isn't always Queer friendly. They pitch pride as our strength, a buffer against Queerphobic microaggressions and more latent discrimination. Sharing of these stories is a way of sharing Pride and building strength. Read more about our SQUAD, or Story Telling QUeers Against Discrimination on the Dinosaur Squad page here.
A very big thankyou to the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Victoria for supporting this important initiative and the #QueerStrong project.
The Roar!!!
The Roar!!! has been written by a 69 year old Trans woman and a 12 year old Trans boy. The writing process was so powerful we made a film about it, called the Dinosaur Squad. Check both stories below - and also a tribute to the Dinosaur Squad in Parliament Hoouse. More details on the Dinosaur Squad page.
The Flying Bombyx
This is the story about a Bombyx Mori (a silk worm) who dares to fly - a metaphor for transition, freedom and new life. The story is a collaboration by three generations from one family. Written by Kathy Mansfield, illustrated by Kathy's wife Lyn and inspired by Fiona and Merridy Mansfield. Read the full story here or watch the flipbook below.
The Mole Rebellion
The Mole Rebellion has been written by Max Primmer and James Bolton and illustrated by Kenton Penley Miller. The story centres around a mole who builds tunnels that connect moles and encourage them to interact and form communities. It's a story of self love and daring to challenge the status quo. Coming soon...
Partners and supporters
Pride Fairy Tales is an initiative of Alice's Garage and the Kindness Pandemic and is supported by the Department of Premier and Cabinet Victoria. For more information contact Dr Catherine Barrett on: d[email protected]